If you’re a Unix user, and also a developer, then you’re surely love to do stuff with command line interface. It’s fun to work in a command line interface environment. Don’t be afraid. It’s easy to use MySQL database for basic operation via command line interface. To start mysql console: Then write your password when… Continue reading Using MySQL database via command line
Tag: ubuntu
Setting up my Ubuntu for Web Development
Update apt cache Install Guake Terminal If you love to work in terminal, then you’ll must love Guake terminal. By pressing F12, you can easily turn on/off the terminal. To install it, run: Add Guake to StartUp Applications After installing Guake terminal, it’ll not start automatically. To start Guake terminal when the machine boot: Goto… Continue reading Setting up my Ubuntu for Web Development
HowTo: Open a Microsoft Access .accdb file in Ubuntu
Recently, I need to run a .accdb file in Ubuntu. I use ubuntu 14.04 LTS version. I tried to run with LibreOffice Base. But failed. And thanks to AskUbuntu. I got the solution from there. We can use the UCanAccess JDBC driver to connect to Access databases (.mdb and .accdb) in LibreOffice Base. Here’s… Continue reading HowTo: Open a Microsoft Access .accdb file in Ubuntu